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Book of Beginnings

#1c Overview Diagram - Genesis
Part of the series on the Flow of OT History

THE 6C's OF GENESIS is catchy phrase to help you remember the overview of Genesis.
  1. CREATION of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them
  2. CORRUPTION of man and creation by sin 
  3. CATASTROPHE of the Flood destroying every living thing except ... 
  4. CONFUSION of languages at the Tower of Babel 
  5. CHOICE of Abram to bless him and all the families of the earth through him and 
  6. CONSERVATION of Abraham’s descendants affected by a famine by leading them to Egypt 
Your assignment, should you decide to accept it is to draw the above diagram and explain it to someone else who is not in the course. God bless you.
THE PHYSICAL SETTING OF GENESIS divides roughly into three geographical locations:
  • BABYLONIA (Gen. 1-11)
  • PALESTINE (Gen. 12-38) ... except for a short episode in Egypt (12:10-20) 
  • EGYPT (Gen. 39-50)

© April 2018 by Alan S.L. WONG